Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 23, It's All About the Lighting

Hey guys,
During my lunch break I went to the cafeteria and photographed this sandwich. I didn't actually get to try it because I ran out of time, but I think I finally have the picture in good light and I think it looks amazing. I'm still hungry, but it was worth it. I didn't eat breakfast today because I was late to work this morning. I stayed up super late taking the picture of that pork last night. So, I'm going to make up to you by including some snacks I ate today. Enjoy!

Day 22, Yay for the Food Network!

Good morning followers,
A few nights ago night I was watching food network for some blog ideas and I saw a breakfast that I have not photographed yet. This is an egg cooked on a piece of bread so that the egg white soak into the bread and moisten it. I added the mint leaf for a pop of color, and I focused on the egg whites to create a contrast with the deep grays on the window sill. Also included here are some of the photos from today. I hope you enjoy these photographs as much as I do.

Day 21, Eating Good Tonight

 Made a wonderful breakfast smoothie before work today

 Got my paycheck today! Went and got a chicken parmesan sandwich at a nice deli before hitting up the grocery store to make a bountiful meal tonight.

I worked for hours in the kitchen preparing this meal. I event missed watching the game with my friends so I hope my viewers are very pleased. I made a salad to start out with followed by filet mignon with green beans and a twice baked potato. And to top it all of a delicious Mississippi mud pie.

Day 20, Getting Cheaper and Cheaper

Not to exciting today. Running very low on money but hopefully the pictures still look good. Trying to touch them up as best as I can for the low quality of the food

Day 19, Running Low on Funds

Everyone loves the occasional pop-tart

Sonic never seems to fail on making a delicious burger.

To my viewers: sorry for not putting lunch pictures up anymore. I am starting to run low on funds and am waiting to get paid from work. Hopefully getting paid soon!

Day 18, Tastes Like Heaven on a Plate

I woke up extra early to make this breakfast casserole before work. I was almost late for work but got their just in time with a full stomach 

Decided to go in the seafood route tonight and grilled some mahi mahi and ate it over delicious homeade mango salsa.

Day 17, Just Another Average Day

Felt like starting the day off right with a healthy bowl of yogurt and fruit.

Had a lot of work today so I went to the delicious Groucho's Deli for a quick lunch

Nothing better than a big ole slice of pizza for dinner.

Day 16, Easy and Fast

I slept through breakfast today. I went to Moe's for lunch with a friend and ordered a Joey Bag of Donuts burrito. It was rather cold out today so I thought what better to eat than a hot bowl of chili.

Day 15, Felt a Little Italian Today

Made a breakfast sandwich today. It was pretty delicious

 Went to a hot dog stand and ate this hotdog with pickle relish. Haven't gotten paid in a while so this is sort of the best I can do right now. Sorry guys.

Had spagetti with Italian meatballs for dinner.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 14, Trying New Things

My mom used to cook french toast on special occasions growing up. Finishing up all that work this week deserves celebration!

I stopped by the sandwich shop by my work on my lunch break. I didn't know they actually made sandwiches... I used to just pick up a semi-soggy grab-and-go wrap. This club sandwich with avocado was a welcome change.

Chicken caesar salad. Simple and delicious.

Day 13, Followers?!

Hello to my newest followers! I hope that you like what you see!

Look at me getting fancy in the morning. . . This is my version of a sausage egg and cheese sandwich and some simple pork chops and sautéed squash that I made for dinner tonight. I may be getting the hang of this thing huh?

Day 12, An Apology

So I must start off by saying that I'm sorry! As I mentioned before, I have been pretty swamped at work these past couple of days and I am just wiped out. Needless to say, I fell asleep yesterday while watching TV, hot pocket in hand. Not only am I not thrilled with the quality of food that I eagerly shoved into my face hole, I didn't even take a picture of it. 

I decided to make up for it by preparing a more sophisticated meal for this evening. And while it has the same about of cheese as last night's five cheese hot pocket, I think it's a whole lot prettier. And tastier.

Day 10, The Braxton County Fair

These are just a few of the things I had the pleasure of indulging in out my county's annual fair! Everything seems to taste better when it's fried, am I right or am I right?

Day 9, For Mommy Dearest

Today my mom paid a visit to La Casa de Greg. This is my novice attempt at chicken parmesean. I wanted to cook something that would show her that I'm self sufficient so she'll stop constantly asking me why I'm single. Luckily she wasn't there when I burned the first round of cutlets . . .

Day 8, Cheap and Delicious!

I grabbed this after work today. I've been a bit busy lately so it looks like this one will have to be dinner too. At least it is as delicious as it looks.

Day 7, My Attempt At Pasta!

I know I have had pasta for the last two nights but what can I say, I love the stuff. Originally I was planning on just getting take out again but I had a craving for spaghetti so I made some.

It is nothing fancy. Just some box pasta with already made sauce.

Oh yeah I also forgot to take the picture before I started eating so sorry about that.

Day 6, A Somewhat Delicious Meal

I got off work early today and decided to cook myself some Mac and Cheese before the big game tonight. I love football and even though I have to continue this blog, I wasn't going to let it conflict with the game, so I'm uploading this a little early today.

I just used the pasta in the box and added some more cheese to make this.
It's nothing like my mom's cooking but it's not that bad.

Day 5, A New Beginning...Maybe

First off I would like to apologize for my last post. Today, I had lunch with Chad and his girlfriend Alyssa who both follow this blog. Alyssa was very upset at my attitude towards this whole blogging thing. She loves instagraming and thought I was being very rude to those who enjoy the activity. While I don't understand the appeal to blogging I didn't mean to insult anyone. If I did I am sorry. Also I can see that there has been a few views to my previous post and Chad told me today that that is the most views I'll ever get. Well I took that as a challenge so as long as I'm doing this stupid bet, I'll put in a little more effort and stop making jokes about everything.

As for what I ate tonight, I fried some chicken and had some vegetables on the side.

Day 4, If You're Reading This I Feel Sorry For You

Is anybody reading this? If the answer is yes, then I ask you why? Do you really want to continue reading what I'm typing right now at this very moment when you could be doing something better but for whatever reason you're choosing to waste your time by reading this pointless sentence that just seems to keep going and going and going and that this point you really should close this browser and go do something productive unlike me who is inside a small apartment on an old computer typing a blog that no one will ever read just to win a bet.

Well if you got through that you should probably see a doctor. Anyways here's what I had for dinner. A nice greasy pizza. Yum!

Day 3, Do People Really Do This?

Do some people really take a picture of every meal that they eat.Unless you have OCD, why does it have to be every meal?  I mean what's the point? I'm not a professional chef so I can't make any fantastic looking food. Half the time I just get take out food anyways and that stuff looks as disgusting as it taste.

Speaking of take out food, tonight I had Chinese food. I actually remembered to take the picture before I ate it this time.
chinese takeout

The green stuff is broccoli in case you didn't know. The weird looking stuff is...well I don't know but it tasted okay. My favorite part of this meal was definitely the fortune cookie which read "beware of the future as you will waste your time on pointless activities."

Day 2, Here's What I Ate For Dinner

I had a really hard day today. I didn't have to work so I sat around and read comic books for most of day. It was very challenging so for dinner I just warmed up whatever this was. It tasted kind of like mush with some green stuff in it. I think there was chicken....

Anyways I hope you enjoy,

Also one of these days I'll remember to take the picture before I start eating and I'll remember to focus the camera and I'll remember to eat better looking food.

Until then I guess I'll go back to reading comic books.

Day 1, An Experiment I Can't Wait to Finish

Hi Everyone,

I'm Greg!

I don't like ferrets and I really don't like food photography. Last Friday my buddy Chad challenged me to go a month blogging about food. I don't do well with losing, so for the next month I will unfortunately be taking pictures of what I eat and uploading them here. I'm pretty sick of this whole instagraming thing so it will be interesting to see how this turns out. I guess I'll upload pictures of food until I get bored and start uploading Star Wars pictures.

For my first day, I have a burger...just a burger.

Graphic half eaten burger shot