Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 5, A New Beginning...Maybe

First off I would like to apologize for my last post. Today, I had lunch with Chad and his girlfriend Alyssa who both follow this blog. Alyssa was very upset at my attitude towards this whole blogging thing. She loves instagraming and thought I was being very rude to those who enjoy the activity. While I don't understand the appeal to blogging I didn't mean to insult anyone. If I did I am sorry. Also I can see that there has been a few views to my previous post and Chad told me today that that is the most views I'll ever get. Well I took that as a challenge so as long as I'm doing this stupid bet, I'll put in a little more effort and stop making jokes about everything.

As for what I ate tonight, I fried some chicken and had some vegetables on the side.

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