Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 56, The Average Day

Hello all my lovely followers. Today I have special treat for you. First we start with a delicious Eggs Benedict, followed by a mid morning snack. For lunch I had a wonderful salad. The dressing on it was out of this world! Lastly for dinner I had the most amazing scallops with pasta. Yum!!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 30, Look How Far We've Gotten!

I decided today that I would get a burger from the same place I got my first Instagramed burger. I just wanted to see how good at this I had gotten. It took me two hours to get the right lighting but it looks so good. Hope you guys can see as much improvement as I do.


Day 29, Snack Time

Hey guys,

I haven't eaten much all day, but I took a picture of all that I could! And I'm sorry my posts are the multi-photographs that I usually post now. I didn't have enough time. I had to catch up on work stuff.
Hope you still like these.


Day 28, Life is Great!

Chad says I am obsessed, but I think he is wrong. I mean, so what if my food is cold from taking pictures or that I have gained a lot since the project started. I am not obsessed, those are just the sacrifices I had to make to create such a great blog. I love taking pictures for you guys and I am going to keep doing it.
Hope you enjoys these!


Day 27, Quality Quality Quality

Hey guys,
I am so close to the month mark! And Chad said I would be obsessed by now. How wrong he was. I am thinking about continuing to take pictures even after the blog is done. Back to today though, I think these pictures really show how good I have gotten at taking pictures. 


Day 26, Technology Rocks!

Hey guys,

I figured out how to combine photos on Instagram and I'm super excited because I don't have to take so much time uploading all of my photos all the time. So, here is my first joined photo of all the food I had today. 


Day 25, So Good But So Bad!

Dear viewers,
Here are some photos that I think you will enjoy from today. I included some treats of mine, like this wonderful crepe. It looks so good, I didn't really eat it though because I am trying to watch my weight. I still couldn't pass up buying one and showing you how wonderful they look. 


Day 24, Healthy and Delicious!

I hope you like these photos, I tried to eat healthy today. I am starting to gain weight. I think it's all the dining out that I've been doing for the blog, but that is okay because these pictures are great and so are you guys!


Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 23, It's All About the Lighting

Hey guys,
During my lunch break I went to the cafeteria and photographed this sandwich. I didn't actually get to try it because I ran out of time, but I think I finally have the picture in good light and I think it looks amazing. I'm still hungry, but it was worth it. I didn't eat breakfast today because I was late to work this morning. I stayed up super late taking the picture of that pork last night. So, I'm going to make up to you by including some snacks I ate today. Enjoy!


Day 22, Yay for the Food Network!

Good morning followers,
A few nights ago night I was watching food network for some blog ideas and I saw a breakfast that I have not photographed yet. This is an egg cooked on a piece of bread so that the egg white soak into the bread and moisten it. I added the mint leaf for a pop of color, and I focused on the egg whites to create a contrast with the deep grays on the window sill. Also included here are some of the photos from today. I hope you enjoy these photographs as much as I do.

Day 21, Eating Good Tonight

 Made a wonderful breakfast smoothie before work today

 Got my paycheck today! Went and got a chicken parmesan sandwich at a nice deli before hitting up the grocery store to make a bountiful meal tonight.

I worked for hours in the kitchen preparing this meal. I event missed watching the game with my friends so I hope my viewers are very pleased. I made a salad to start out with followed by filet mignon with green beans and a twice baked potato. And to top it all of a delicious Mississippi mud pie.


Day 20, Getting Cheaper and Cheaper

Not to exciting today. Running very low on money but hopefully the pictures still look good. Trying to touch them up as best as I can for the low quality of the food


Day 19, Running Low on Funds

Everyone loves the occasional pop-tart

Sonic never seems to fail on making a delicious burger.

To my viewers: sorry for not putting lunch pictures up anymore. I am starting to run low on funds and am waiting to get paid from work. Hopefully getting paid soon!


Day 18, Tastes Like Heaven on a Plate

I woke up extra early to make this breakfast casserole before work. I was almost late for work but got their just in time with a full stomach 

Decided to go in the seafood route tonight and grilled some mahi mahi and ate it over delicious homeade mango salsa.


Day 17, Just Another Average Day

Felt like starting the day off right with a healthy bowl of yogurt and fruit.

Had a lot of work today so I went to the delicious Groucho's Deli for a quick lunch

Nothing better than a big ole slice of pizza for dinner.


Day 16, Easy and Fast

I slept through breakfast today. I went to Moe's for lunch with a friend and ordered a Joey Bag of Donuts burrito. It was rather cold out today so I thought what better to eat than a hot bowl of chili.


Day 15, Felt a Little Italian Today

Made a breakfast sandwich today. It was pretty delicious

 Went to a hot dog stand and ate this hotdog with pickle relish. Haven't gotten paid in a while so this is sort of the best I can do right now. Sorry guys.

Had spagetti with Italian meatballs for dinner.
