Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 56, The Average Day

Hello all my lovely followers. Today I have special treat for you. First we start with a delicious Eggs Benedict, followed by a mid morning snack. For lunch I had a wonderful salad. The dressing on it was out of this world! Lastly for dinner I had the most amazing scallops with pasta. Yum!!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 30, Look How Far We've Gotten!

I decided today that I would get a burger from the same place I got my first Instagramed burger. I just wanted to see how good at this I had gotten. It took me two hours to get the right lighting but it looks so good. Hope you guys can see as much improvement as I do.


Day 29, Snack Time

Hey guys,

I haven't eaten much all day, but I took a picture of all that I could! And I'm sorry my posts are the multi-photographs that I usually post now. I didn't have enough time. I had to catch up on work stuff.
Hope you still like these.


Day 28, Life is Great!

Chad says I am obsessed, but I think he is wrong. I mean, so what if my food is cold from taking pictures or that I have gained a lot since the project started. I am not obsessed, those are just the sacrifices I had to make to create such a great blog. I love taking pictures for you guys and I am going to keep doing it.
Hope you enjoys these!


Day 27, Quality Quality Quality

Hey guys,
I am so close to the month mark! And Chad said I would be obsessed by now. How wrong he was. I am thinking about continuing to take pictures even after the blog is done. Back to today though, I think these pictures really show how good I have gotten at taking pictures. 


Day 26, Technology Rocks!

Hey guys,

I figured out how to combine photos on Instagram and I'm super excited because I don't have to take so much time uploading all of my photos all the time. So, here is my first joined photo of all the food I had today. 


Day 25, So Good But So Bad!

Dear viewers,
Here are some photos that I think you will enjoy from today. I included some treats of mine, like this wonderful crepe. It looks so good, I didn't really eat it though because I am trying to watch my weight. I still couldn't pass up buying one and showing you how wonderful they look. 
